How can digitalization empower the industrial workforce?

An online survey of industrial companies, conducted by Omdia, found that 73% of respondents think automation and digitalization will substantially change the nature of work.

Download the report to learn more about:

  1. The changing nature of work in industries
  2. How to support your workforce
  3. Recommendations on how to work with technology partners to prepare your workforce for a successful digital transformation

The Future of Work in Industry

A survey of 400+ industry professionals

05N. Image & Text

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Etiam ullamcorper ipsum quis massa lacinia laoreet.

05N. Grid Image & Text

In egestas metus vel venenatis dictum. Praesent ut ultrices ligula. Proin sit amet mauris et diam sagittis euismod.

Etiam ullamcorper ipsum quis massa lacinia laoreet.


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03W. Main Text Module

Sed ornare varius luctus. Sed finibus sem ut dui ornare, ac mattis orci posuere. Phasellus eu faucibus eros, eu fermentum dui. Proin blandit ante id auctor hendrerit. Pellentesque vestibulum, urna ac interdum auctor, neque lacus ultricies tellus, vitae tempor eros odio condimentum nunc.

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  2. Vivamus rhoncus risus non vestibulum hendrerit.
  3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  4. Vivamus rhoncus risus non vestibulum hendrerit.

06W. Video & Text


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