What happens when you ask Men’s Health Fitness Director how he burns fat fast? 

He answers your question with this video—a compilation of his favorite 70 bodyweight cardio exercises.

Related: METASHRED EXTREME—the Ultimate Fitness Program From Men’s Health Designed to Shred Body Fat and Max Out Muscle Growth At the Same Time

These resistance-training movements are so effective at annihilating calories for several reasons, he explains:

1. They work multiple muscles at once, skyrocketing your metabolism during and after your workout.

2. They can be made easier midset so you never have to stop and rest. 

Related: 10 Cardio Exercises That Burn More Calories than Running

3. They can be done anytime, anywhere.

4. They’re a lot more fun than slogging away on a treadmill, so you never get bored.

Go ahead and try them for yourself.