Join the Women's Health Weekend Challenge to help you meet your fitness goals fast and make your weekend workouts count. Thousands of women already have. Join them, and achieve your fitness goals faster!

Side crunch: Swimsuit season is definitely over, but that doesn't mean you should give up on your six-pack goals. This move seriously engages your core, especially those obliques, to help you work those abs like a champ and achieve your crop top dreams. Hey, it's not the dead of winter yet!

RELATED: Find Out How You Can Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Days


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(Looking for a program that will help you get a flat tummy—and keep it that way? With our Lose Belly Fat—For Good routines, you can see results in as little as two weeks.)

Headshot of Ashley Oerman
Ashley Oerman
Contributing Writer

Ashley Oerman is a contributing writer at Cosmopolitan, covering fitness, health, food, cocktails, and home. You can follow her on Instagram @AshleyOerman. She is pro-carbs.