It's 11pm and you're ravenous—like, stomach-eating-itself ravenous. But everything you've read tells you that late-night snacks are a no-no, especially if you want to lose weight. Well, we've got some good news: Eating a little something-something after dinner doesn't have to douse your bikini dreams. 

Instead, if you craft a modestly portioned treat with the right combo of macronutrients, you can eat at night. "It's a snack, not a meal—so keep it under 200 calories, and make sure it has some healthy carbs from sources like fruit or plain yogurt, along with some protein," says Jen McDaniel, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "Carbs can assist with sleep, while eating protein before bed helps you maintain muscle mass, which is key if you're trying to lose weight." (Snack AND lose weight with this box of Prevention-approved treats from Bestowed.)

Here are 10 late-night snacks that fit the bill:

2 cups air-popped popcorn with 1 oz. (4 dice-sized cubes) cheese

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¾ cup plain yogurt topped with ½ cup blueberries

MORE: 8 Things That Happen When You Finally Stop Drinking Diet Soda

½ whole-grain pita spread with hummus  

½ cup cooked oatmeal made with ½ scoop unsweetened protein powder

1 banana spread with 1 Tbsp nut butter

½ cup cottage cheese mixed with ¼ cup pineapple

Sliced veggies dipped in 2 Tbsp Greek yogurt dip or hummus

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Simple smoothie: Blend 1 cup plain kefir with ½ cup frozen fruit like peaches, berries, or mango. (Also consider these 10 slimming smoothie recipes.)

Whole grain crackers (we like Wasa Crispbreads, with just 60 calories each) topped with ¼ cup ricotta cheese and a drizzle of honey

1 slice whole-grain raisin toast spread with 1 Tbsp nut butter

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Stephanie Eckelkamp
Stephanie Eckelkamp is a freelance writer, health coach, and former associate editor for Prevention covering health, food, and nutrition. She’s a graduate of Syracuse University and obsessed with dogs, exploring the great outdoors, and chunky peanut butter.