
Caitlin Moran: boys need geeky role models

‘Why are all our superheroes so macho? What boys need are clever, nerdy men to look up to’

The Times

Initially, I was wholly delighted about the announcement that, in the next series of Doctor Who, the universe’s most charismatic 900-year-old is to be played, for the first time, by a woman. Indeed, not just a woman – but by a woman wearing sky-blue three-quarter-length straight-legged trousers, and looking really good in them. The Doctor might have faced many challenges in his/her time, but pulling off a mid-calf culotte is, surely, the greatest of all.

So brava, new Lady Doctor! I saw the thousands of uplifting YouTube videos of little girls reacting to your regeneration – screaming, “It’s a woman! The Doctor is a woman!” – and felt lucky to be living in a time when young girls who love Doctor Who don’t