Ever heard of Iron Yoga? It's a combo of yoga and weight training, and it can completely transform your body.

This timesaving workout approach combines two popular forms of exercise into one total-body firming routine. Here's how it works: While you're lunging or balancing in a yoga pose, your legs and torso muscles are working hard to keep you upright. Pick up a pair of dumbbells (2 to 5 pounds) and suddenly your upper-body muscles are in on the act. The result: The yoga yields a stronger lower body, greater flexibility, straighter posture, and reduced stress. And the dumbbells add knockout arms, shoulders, and back; increased upper-body strength; and stronger bones.

Triathlete Anthony Carillo created Iron Yoga as a way to fit yoga into his grueling weight-training schedule. But don't let that intimidate you; the workout he designed for Prevention can be modified for all levels. If you're a yoga novice, practice the poses without weights for 2 to 4 weeks until you feel comfortable, and then add dumbbells.

Do Iron Yoga two or three times a week, and you'll start to feel stronger and look firmer within 4 weeks. Here's how to do it:

Chair Pose With Row
(Firms legs, glutes, abs, back)

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A. With feet together and a dumbbell in each hand, sit back until thighs are almost parallel to floor. (Beginners don't have to go so low.) Keep back flat and look at floor about 2 feet in front of you. Rotate palms up and press ends of dumbbells together; don't let arms touch knees.
B. Without moving left arm, inhale and bend right elbow back toward ceiling and pull dumbbell toward chest. Exhale and lower. Repeat with left arm once.

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C. Repeat with both arms at the same time and hold for one static contraction. Lower and stand up.

(No time for the gym? Try Fit in 10, the new workout program that only takes 10 minutes a day!)

Tree Pose With Press and Rotation
(Firms legs, glutes, abs, shoulders)

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A. Balancing on right foot, place left foot on inside of right thigh. (Beginners can place foot on inside of calf or keep toes lightly touching floor.) Bring dumbbells above shoulders, palms facing in.

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B. Inhale and press right dumbbell overhead, keeping arm close to ear. Then exhale and pull back down. Repeat with left arm once, then with both arms at the same time, pressing dumbbells together when overhead and holding for one static contraction (not shown). Lower and switch legs.

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C. Balancing on left foot, raise dumbbells so upper arms are parallel to floor and forearms are perpendicular.

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D. Inhale and rotate left shoulder, bringing dumbbell forward and up until it's directly above elbow. Exhale and lower. Repeat with right arm once, then with both arms at the same time and hold for one static contraction (not shown). Lower dumbbells and then right leg so feet are together.

MORE: 6 Moves That Target Stubborn Cellulite

Warrior 2 with Raise and Curl
(Firms legs, glutes, abs, shoulders, biceps)

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A. Step left foot back about 4 feet. Turn left foot out and rotate torso to left to square hips and shoulders over center of body. Keep right foot pointing and head looking straight ahead. Bend right knee over ankle until thigh is about parallel to floor. Raise left arm behind you to shoulder height, palm up. Hold right arm over right knee, palm down.

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B. Inhale and raise right dumbbell straight up in front to shoulder height. Exhale and lower dumbbell. Do just once. Without moving right arm, inhale and bend left elbow, curling dumbbell toward shoulder (not shown). Exhale and press dumbbell back to start position. Do just once.

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C. Raise right arm and bend left arm at the same time and hold for one static contraction. Return to starting position and repeat with opposite legs and arms. Finish standing with feet together.

MORE: 15 Teeny Tiny Changes To Lose Weight Faster

Warrior 3 with Kick Back
(Firms legs, glutes, abs, triceps)

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A. Step left foot back about 3 feet. Lean forward from hips, bring right dumbbell to right armpit with elbow lifted, and raise left dumbbell straight in front to shoulder height, palm facing in. Lift left foot off floor and extend left leg straight back with toes pointed to form a straight line from left dumbbell to left toes. (Beginners can rest extended arm on top of a chair for balance.)

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B. Inhale and extend right arm, rotating palm toward ceiling, as you press dumbbell behind you. Exhale and curl dumbbell back toward armpit. Do 2 reps, and then hold for one static contraction. Return to start position, lower arms and leg, and repeat with opposite leg raised, switching arms.

MORE: 4 Moves To Slim Your Hips And Thighs

1. More breathing, fewer reps: As you flow from one move to the next, breathe deeply. Inhale and exhale through your nose, feeling your belly, lungs, rib cage, and chest expand and then contract. Feel the breath deep in the back of your throat and make a hahhh sound by constricting your throat as you inhale and exhale—yes, you'll sound like Darth Vader. Inhalations and exhalations should each take 4 to 5 seconds; most exercises will require four breaths to complete. (Tree Pose requires a total of eight.) Iron Yoga also uses fewer repetitions than traditional weight training does.

2. Static contractions: On the last rep, you'll use this advanced technique: Hold the dumbbell at the top of the lift, as you squeeze and contract the muscle tighter and stronger while exhaling and then inhaling (to complete breath three and start breath four). On the final exhalation, lower the dumbbell and then continue with the next exercise.

Michele Stanten

Michele Stanten is the author of Firm Up in 3 Weeks and Walk Off Weight, creator of mywalkingcoach.com, and an ACE-certified fitness instructor. She is also on the board of directors for the American Council on Exercise (ACE), a member of the Every Body Walk Collaborative, and the former fitness director of Prevention magazine. Follow her on Twitter: @MicheleStanten