By Emily Abbate for

Men. About 99 percent of them think that a woman who has a rather large chest has just gotta love it all day, all the time, period. How could she not?! It's so...Jessica Rabbit! Now, don't get me wrong, large tatas can be fab. Depending on how big they are, you can use 'em to fill out that perfect dress for your best friend's sister's wedding or, erm, you can do one of these zillion other fun things with your lady lumps

MORE: How to Find the Perfect Sports Bra

But do you even have a clue what it's really like working out with big boobs? Yeah, guess what, guys: It's not exactly a walk in the park. In case you didn't notice (spoiler alert: we know you did), there's a lot of stuff there to keep locked down. Wrapped up. In one place. Running with all that bouncing bounty? Just another hassle on days when a woman doesn't really feel at all like running in the first place.

Are you a big-breasted lady who can totally relate? Then laugh along with us as we explain what it's really like to work out with big boobs: 

Stage 1:
The first second you consider working out, you immediately feel short of breath just thinking about strapping down those kahunas.

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Stage 2:
Upon pondering the constant question—"Is it a two-sports-bras-at-once kind of day?”—you let out a major sigh.

MORE: 10 Painful Phases of Starting a New Diet (PHOTOS)

Stage 3:
After going with two (it just feels safer, doesn't it?), you feel like some sort of sausage with your girls smooshed in a holding cell.

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Stage 4:
While you're hoping you look strong and supported, like this…

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Stage 5:
...You really just want to rip the thing off and break free from sports bra-induced uniboob.

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Stage 6:
...And then they start bouncing.

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MORE: 8 People Who Should Have Their Gym Memberships Revoked (PHOTOS)

Stage 7:
...And you feel like you might resemble this bird:

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Stage 8:
...Until you get enough into your workout to forget the minor pain that comes along with toting two bowling balls around on your chest.

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Stage 9:
Alas, another workout done, another victory. (Insert victory dance here.)

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