Fatherhood is the Ultimate Reward
Celebrating Father's Day

Fatherhood is the Ultimate Reward

In business meetings and events, we all go through the ritual of introductions to share our title and responsibilities at work. While I could certainly lead with my responsibilities at Kimberly-Clark, I usually open with my ultimate responsibility: being a husband and father of two, and the significance I feel in that accomplishment. 

I count fatherhood as my greatest reward, and I’m proud to say, that I’m not alone in my belief that fatherhood is the ultimate motivator for what we do at Kimberly-Clark and why we do it. 

Fatherhood changes your priorities. When my eldest was born, I wrote a personal mission statement that has guided my life ever since. It has two parts, one is to help create businesses that improve people’s lives and the other is to help raise children that live a life fulfilled. 

My role as chief scientist at Kimberly-Clark helps me to accomplish both. Kimberly-Clark’s mission is to lead the world in essentials for a better life. I am fortunate to have such a strong congruence between my personal and professional life as a father and as a scientist. 

Fatherhood challenges your perspectives. I have come to see that our journey in life is one that takes us from success to significance, where success is adding value to yourself and significance is adding value to others. This perspective has helped me at work and elsewhere, where I no longer am interested in having the spotlight shine on me, but rather I want to be the spotlight and illuminate the success of others and hold them up to be recognized for their accomplishments. 

Fatherhood creates a desire for possibility. Creating a better life for billions of people around the world is a great aspiration and is only achieved by putting our consumers first, understanding their needs, and creating a new possible that elevates their experience. This is also the role of the father, to put others first, understand their needs, and help our children achieve their vision, passion, and dreams.  

As a father, I can’t think of any greater responsibility or reward. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to help create innovative products in a sustainable way that leaves the world a better place for my children, all because of my role at Kimberly-Clark.  It makes every day exciting and gratifying to move toward an ever-higher purpose.

So, cheers to all the dads behind our brands. May your littlest people be your biggest reward.

Mike Dietzen, CFM, LEED GA

Facilities and Project Manager - North America at Essity


Very well said, Pete! I agree 100%. I take a back seat to my children's life and activities, and I simply wouldn't want it any other way. Thanks for sharing this great message and Happy Fathers Day!

Lori Borchardt, MBA

Sr. Manager Omnichannel Marketing at Kimberly-Clark


Great testimony, Pete! Hope you had a great Father's Day.

Happy Fathers Day to all! I see myself in this picture with my Dad.

Rajeev Kapur

CIO - Digital, Data and Tech Leader with a passion for Business Outcomes


Well said Pete, I agree fatherhood is the ultimate reward, have an awesome father’s day

Kevin M. Pellon, MSA

Founder & CEO at raisedLIFE


The heart of a father is powerful and the ability to walk side by side with his kids is inspiring! #mygirls

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