Developmental Milestones: Red Flags

Find out what skills to expect from your child by certain ages and how to help get them on track if they are delayed in reaching major milestones.


Kids grow and develop at their own pace. Your child may roll over—or crawl, or walk, or say their first word—later than a friend's or family member's child, and be perfectly healthy.

However, while there is an age range for when kids are expected to learn new skills, not reaching major milestones by a certain birthday (6 months, 1 year, etcetera) can be a red flag for a developmental delay. Developmental milestones are things most (75 percent of) children can do by a certain age.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that parents talk to a pediatrician if their baby or toddler is behind on these developmental milestones.

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Developmental Milestones by 1 to 4 Months

benefits of tummy time for baby

Babies change and grow a lot during the newborn period. During their first three months, they typically gain about an ounce of weight each day. They are also developing new skills. But if you notice the following in your newborn, it could be a sign of an early delay.

  • Doesn't respond to loud noises
  • Doesn't seem to notice their own hands (by 2 months)
  • Doesn't follow moving objects with eyes (by 3 months)
  • Doesn't grasp objects (by 3 months)
  • Doesn't smile at people (by 3 months)
  • Can't support head (by 3 months)
  • Doesn't babble or try to imitate sounds (by 4 months)
  • Doesn't bring objects to their mouth (by 4 months)
  • Doesn't push down with legs when feet are on a firm surface (by 4 months)
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Developmental Milestones by 7 Months

Bottle Feeding

As your baby continues to grow, so will their skills. Many 5-, 6-, and 7-month-olds roll, smile, and laugh. They grab toys frequently, put objects in their mouth, babble, and squeal. While your baby may not have hit all of these milestones, these characteristics are worth mentioning to their doctor.

  • Seems very stiff, with tight muscles
  • Seems very floppy, like a rag doll
  • Head flops back when their body is pulled to a sitting position
  • Reaches with only one hand
  • Refuses to cuddle
  • Shows no affection for the person who cares for him
  • Persistent tearing, eye drainage, or sensitivity to light
  • Difficulty getting objects to their mouth
  • Doesn't roll over in either direction (by 5 months)
  • Can't sit with help (by 6 months)
  • Doesn't laugh or make squealing sounds (by 6 months)
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Developmental Milestones by 1 Year

A 1 year old boy smiling on his high chair

By your child's first birthday, they've probably changed a lot—physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. But if you have any concerns, or if your child is exhibiting any of the following behaviors, you may want to speak to their pediatrician.

  • Doesn't crawl or scoot, or drags one side of their body while crawling
  • Can't stand when supported
  • Doesn't search for objects that they see being hidden
  • Doesn't say mama or dada—or any other single words
  • Doesn't use gestures, such as shaking their head "no"
  • Doesn't point to objects or pictures
  • Can't walk (by 18 months)
  • Doesn't walk heel-toe within a few months of walking
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Developmental Milestones by 2 Years

2-year-old toddler girl preschooler

Ah, toddlerhood. There's nothing quite like it. Most children learn to walk and talk between 1 to 2 years. But if your child is struggling physically, socially, or emotionally, you may want to speak to an early intervention expert. These are some signs of a delay in a 2-year-old.

  • Doesn't speak at least 15 words
  • Doesn't use two-word sentences
  • Doesn't imitate actions or words
  • Doesn't follow simple instructions
  • Can't push a wheeled toy
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Developmental Milestones by 3 Years

An image of a child playing with blocks.
Getty Images.

Can you believe your baby is 3? Thirty-six months have passed since your wee one was born. But if your soon-to-be preschooler is having difficulty with any of these things, consider seeking out support from a physical or occupational therapist.

  • Frequently falls or has difficulty with stairs
  • Drools persistently or speaks unclearly
  • Can't build a tower of more than four blocks
  • Has trouble manipulating small objects
  • Can't copy a circle
  • Can't communicate in short phrases
  • Doesn't engage in pretend play
  • Doesn't understand simple instructions
  • Shows no interest in other children
  • Makes poor eye contact
  • Has little interest in toys

In the end, you know your child best. If they seem behind their playdate pals on one or two skills, most likely, they need just a little more time to catch up on their own. But if needed, a developmental pediatrician can diagnose the source of any widespread or worrying delays. With early intervention by a physical or occupational therapist, your child can get back on track with certain milestones or work toward new, more appropriate goals for their abilities.

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  1. Evidence-Informed Milestones for Developmental Surveillance Tools. Pediatrics. 2022.

  2. If You're Concerned. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2023.

  3. Baby Weight Gain: A Guide To Their First Year. Texas Children's Hospital. 2017.

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