Why would you want to do this lunge every workout? Because it’s almost a workout in and of itself.

Check it out in the video above as demonstrated by Men’s Health Fitness Director BJ Gaddour. You’ll start with a kettlebell lateral lunge. Then you’ll add a clean to the exercise. And then you’ll add a clean and press. Make sure you master each step before you progress.

The entire exercise—a kettlebell lateral lunge to clean to press—targets your side hips and glutes, works your shoulders, activates your obliques, forces your core to stabilize, and makes you more athletic, says Gaddour.

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There are two ways to apply it to your routine: Do as many reps as possible for one to two minutes straight. Rest for 30 seconds, and then repeat again on the other side.

Or you can plug the movement into a circuit. Grab a dumbbell to perform the movement if you don’t have a kettlebell nearby.