1. Once you finish, you feel a twisted combination of runner's high and never wanting to run again. Like ever.

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Media Platforms Design Team

2. You are so overjoyed to get a medal that you give a big, sweaty bear hug to the volunteer who gave it to you.

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Media Platforms Design Team

3. Suddenly, stepping onto a curb is like climbing Mount Everest.

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4. But finding a shower was oh so worth it. In fact, this is the greatest shower you've ever taken.

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5. You could eat everything that's not bolted down.

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6. That evening, you contemplate the social implications of wearing your medal to work the next day.

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7. Despite the sense of accomplishment, you decide a hiatus from marathons is in order. 

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8. Your head hits the pillow, and you're instantly out.

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9. Pulling yourself out of bed the next morning is virtually impossible.

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10. At the office–even if you do leave your medal at home–you get all manner of strange looks. Your new mantra: Hobble with pride.

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11. Within 24 hours, you're signing up for another marathon.

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All gifs are courtesy of giphy.com.