A survey conducted by the healthcare company Amino in conjunction with the independent market research company Ipsos has come to a depressing conclusion about the relationship many Americans have with our healthcare system. Specifically, it discovered that, among the 1,006 Americans surveyed, more than a quarter of the millennials in that group were skipping doctor's visits because of their fear of incurring a high medical bill.

The discovery is consistent with the rest of the survey's findings: In the past year, 55 percent of Americans had received a medical bill that was more than they could afford; 37 percent said that any bill higher than $100 exceeded what they had the ability to pay; and, staggeringly, 53 percent of the group felt that receiving a high medical bill was just as bad as having a serious illness. These finding underscore the troubled and contentious relationship so many in our country have with our healthcare system.

It should go without saying that seeing your doctor is important. However, clear information can be difficult to find when it comes understanding what you can expect to pay. The survey found that 49 percent of the respondents felt that their insurance company didn't provide them with good information about what they could expect to pay before a doctor's visit.

There's no doubt that navigating the thickets of healthcare information is difficult. But it is a necessary inconvenience to endure. Here are five ways you can prepare for your next doctor's appointment, and five reasons why you should go see a doctor, even if you think you shouldn't.