• Amy Laskowski

    Senior Writer Twitter Profile

    Photo of Amy Laskowski. A white woman with long brown hair pulled into a half up, half down style and wearing a burgundy top, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Amy Laskowski is a senior writer at Boston University. She is always hunting for interesting, quirky stories around BU and helps manage and edit the work of BU Today’s interns. She did her undergrad at Syracuse University and earned a master’s in journalism at the College of Communication in 2015. Profile

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There are 26 comments on BU Students Say “F*ck It Won’t Cut It” When It Comes to COVID-19 Safety

  1. “Added Safety of Monogamy”? really? What is this 1984? It’s not only Orwellian to advocate for monogamy, it’s setting us back decades in terms of sex positivity. Why not be progressive like the city of NY or Canada and also advocate partitions of non-face to face sex? How does monogamy protect you from covid-19. You could have manual sex with multiple partners keeping 3 feet of distance between you and the other person and be less exposed to secretions than you would be having deep kissing with one monogamous partner. It’s nice to know we can recycle some of the sex-phobic rhetoric of the HIV pandemic here.. I thought we were past the days when colleges would hire pr firms to preach monogamy to their students but BU never ceases to surprise me. If monogamy wont cut it, f#$ it and have non face to face sex which is safer than kissing when it comes to covid.

    1. This point in particular is hilariously ironic to me because the social distancing protocols my polycule has been following for the past 5 months are much more stringent than anything BU is implementing now.

      Non-monogamy isn’t the issue; it’s about being realistic, pragmatic, and cautious with your choices, and not taking undue risks in pursuit of a false sense of normalcy. Alas, BU desperately needs that sense of normalcy so as not to spook returning students, and so they must point fingers elsewhere.

  2. The BU administration took the “F*ck it” approach first.

    “F*ck it, let’s open a massive University in the middle of an urban metropolis during a global pandemic that our country has not managed to control because the adults in charge keep saying ‘F*ck it’. But it can’t hurt, just this one more time. F*ck it, let’s open campus!!”

    It’s a travesty that they put this public health issue on the backs of undergraduate students. The name of the campaign does not even RANK in the news that shocks and appals me.

    1. Angelina said it well. BU’s “f*ck it” approach extends to the cavalier way they’ve treated faculty, staff, and graduate students, threatening them with retribution if they dare speak up for their health and the health of their families. Shielded by lawyers and a B-rate marketing team, they’ve worked hard to do a cup-and-shell game, and to hide everything from their unwillingness to grant medical exceptions to faculty (except for the tenured gerontocracy) to their latest “f*ck it” policy of not notifying faculty when students in their class test positive. Be better, BU — you’re an embarrassment.

  3. It’s hilarious the University is using students in this way. While I have no doubt that you used students to conduct much of the labor required in this effort (and will continue to use their free labor throughout your efforts to remain a viable business), to paint this as anything but a completely orchestrated campaign by upper administration is insulting to anyone with a modicum of intelligence. You remind us not so subtly (roughly 10 times) that it is the edgy “students” whose idea it was to use a naughty word, while at the same time the President’s Office at all times had 100% control of the process and outcome…and was also the genesis of the project mind you. I have a strong feeling that if they haven’t already, in 5 years the students that contributed to this effort will look back and realize just how much upper administration manipulates and uses students for their own gains.

    1. AdLab and PR Lab choose their own projects. Can’t you entertain the possibility that some students who chose to go back may want to encourage others to act in ways that let them stay?

    2. why are you all so hopeless? you sound very angry and it’s directed at the wrong people. I honestly don’t care whose idea this is, as long as it keeps people aware of the danger at hand and prevents premature closing, I don’t give a “f*ck”

    1. This language is demeaning and offensive. The fact that BU permits such a movement (which is definitely not simply student run) is beyond disgusting. I thought BU was for intellectuals. What a shame I was wrong.

  4. Thank you BU for providing a hashtag that can be used when pointing out problems with BU policies. Not going to inform instructors when someone in class tests positive? #fckitwontcutit Not going to provide KN95 masks or portable CO2 monitors to instructors teaching in poorly ventilated rooms? #fckitwontcutit Not going to pay attention to the science that is now telling us that the 6 foot rule is not good enough indoors? #fckitwontcutit https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/11/health/coronavirus-aerosols-indoors.html

  5. You know what “shocks” me? The amount of hubris it takes for BU to move forward with their plan to reopen campus in the midst of a raging global pandemic; that Mayor Walsh and Governor Baker are allowing it to happen; and that anyone actually thinks a cute hashtag with catchy graphics is going to alter the behaviors of 18-22 year-olds. So, how are BU’s tuition numbers looking, anyway?

  6. Yay, let’s fight a virus with profanity!

    Take your temperature every day, take some classes online, mask up at all times – even when outside, stay socially distanced…oh, unless you have the urge for some sex, then F*ck It.

    I guess BU assumes their students are just a bunch of animals.

  7. Love this!! As a recent alum still living in the area, I am disturbed by BU’s haphazard, reactive approach to this pandemic and the wellbeing of their students. It is appalling. I’m glad to know that BU’s students are advocating for safety and taking it on themselves to make campus and the greater BU community a safer space. BU, put your money where your PR statements are. Do better.

  8. Are you making merch with this slogan on it? I’d like to send some to my governor. “F–k it” has been the entirety of his COVID emergency response.

  9. But what about airborne transmission? That is going to make class, dorms, and sex all really fun, huh?

    But I guess BU has already said ‘F*ck it’ to science when it comes to this, in addition to all the other things it has said ‘f*ck it to’ that others in these comments have mentioned.

  10. Let’s face it, BU is absolutely not prepared for opening in a few weeks. Our Facilities staff are not ready for pandemics, faculty are justifiably afraid (if you dealt with this incompetent administration for years, how can you trust it). There are quasi fixes visible everywhere, masking years of incompetent management and poor planning. From parking fiascos at BUMC, poor sanitation, poor ventilation to limited PPE. Good luck to us all. I would not count on any help or compassion from the leadership, as the only thing they are interested in now is escalation of commitment and profits to justify their existence.

  11. An overly cute marketing campaign to mask the complete abdication of responsibility by BU. Conveniently, the administration can blame students when this unreal plan to return to campus fails! And they’ve already collected their full tuition payments. Clever!

  12. Bay Street Rd for move in today? Parents, unmasked. Students, unmasked. Guys working the move-in trucks, apparently don;t know to cover their nose. Construction workers from computing building site, unmasked. Great start, BU.

  13. Yes! BU lets prove everyone wrong please! All we need to do is comply with the policies in place and reduce our in-person social interactions. Keeping your mask on indoors, Avoiding meeting up with people who are not careful about where they go, and constantly washing your hands will keep us all safe.

    Also lets not allow the winter clothes I dragged over go to waste Yes i am begging

    #Fckitwontcutit !!!

  14. You certainly got my attention even though I am 46 years removed from campus. I think a student’s multi-colored face with a mask with the words “I respect you” would have been just as effective than a vulgar word. I don’t think Oxford University would have done it or would it. Can we get back to respecting each other and the English language.

  15. Attitude adopted by cleaning staff and food services, too? The bathrooms are disgusting and the grab and go food choices have left students to find other options. Health and safety during a pandemic include cleanliness of common areas and proper nutrition. Instagram messages are over the top! It’s not a good look!

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