Save up to 60% on hotels
Kids at school? Got free time? We have deals for that.
As college students move in for their first semester, parents have more time on their hands and can start packing their own bags. This life moment is an opportunity to visit new places, re-connect with friends or just get away as a reward for parenting success. We have got the September and October deals to help you fall into your newfound freedom without breaking the bank.
Search Express Deals Hotels
{{(parsedCityNames == null ? lowestPriceCity.location.address.cityName : parsedCityNames[0]) + ', ' + lowestPriceCity.location.address.provinceCode}}

{{'$' + (lowestPriceCity.ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Save {{(lowestPriceCity.ratesSummary.minRateSavingsPercentage | number : 0) + '%'}}

from {{'$' + ([0].ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Price shown for travel date: {{checkIn}} - {{checkOut}}

{{lowestPriceCity1.location.address.cityName + ', ' + lowestPriceCity1.location.address.provinceCode}}

from {{'$' + (lowestPriceCity1.ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

from {{'$' + ([0].ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Price shown for travel date: {{checkIn}} - {{checkOut}}

{{lowestPriceCity2.location.address.cityName + ', ' + lowestPriceCity2.location.address.provinceCode}}

from {{'$' + (lowestPriceCity2.ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

from {{'$' + ([0].ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Price shown for travel date: {{checkIn}} - {{checkOut}}

{{lowestPriceCity3.location.address.cityName + ', ' + lowestPriceCity3.location.address.provinceCode}}

from {{'$' + (lowestPriceCity3.ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

from {{'$' + ([0].ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Price shown for travel date: {{checkIn}} - {{checkOut}}

{{lowestPriceCity4.location.address.cityName + ', ' + lowestPriceCity4.location.address.provinceCode}}

from {{'$' + (lowestPriceCity4.ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

from {{'$' + ([0].ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Price shown for travel date: {{checkIn}} - {{checkOut}}

{{lowestPriceCity5.location.address.cityName + ', ' + lowestPriceCity5.location.address.provinceCode}}

from {{'$' + (lowestPriceCity5.ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

from {{'$' + ([0].ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Price shown for travel date: {{checkIn}} - {{checkOut}}

{{lowestPriceCity6.location.address.cityName + ', ' + lowestPriceCity6.location.address.provinceCode}}

from {{'$' + (lowestPriceCity6.ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

from {{'$' + ([0].ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Price shown for travel date: {{checkIn}} - {{checkOut}}

{{lowestPriceCity7.location.address.cityName + ', ' + lowestPriceCity7.location.address.provinceCode}}

from {{'$' + (lowestPriceCity7.ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

from {{'$' + ([0].ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Price shown for travel date: {{checkIn}} - {{checkOut}}

{{lowestPriceCity8.location.address.cityName + ', ' + lowestPriceCity8.location.address.provinceCode}}

from {{'$' + (lowestPriceCity8.ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

from {{'$' + ([0].ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Price shown for travel date: {{checkIn}} - {{checkOut}}

{{lowestPriceCity9.location.address.cityName + ', ' + lowestPriceCity9.location.address.provinceCode}}

from {{'$' + (lowestPriceCity9.ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

from {{'$' + ([0].ratesSummary.minPrice | number : 0)}}

Price shown for travel date: {{checkIn}} - {{checkOut}}