High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are scientifically proven to fry more fat and improve fitness faster than long, slow, and boring cardio. 

Typical approaches to HIIT revolve around using a cardio machine indoors or cycling and running outdoors. For example, intuitively mix between sprinting and jogging for 10, 20, or 30 minutes.
There’s no denying that this traditional approach will give you an excellent time-efficient workout. But I’ve got a new and improved way to do your cardio intervals. 

I call it MetaHIIT because it involves using bodyweight resistance training exercises to stimulate your muscles through a fuller range of motion and ultimately max out the metabolic spike from your training. I’m such a big believer in drop sets that I designed two of the workouts in my new metabolic training system from Men’s HealthMETASHRED EXTREME—around the concept.
Let me explain how this works, using the stepup as an example. You will continuously mix between a high-intensity variation of the stepup (like alternating stepup jumps) and a low-intensity variation of that movement (like regular stepups) without ever resting. 

Technically, you could also mix between loaded stepups and unloaded stepups, if you’d like. But I prefer using bodyweight-only options because it allows for quicker transitions to get the continuous work effect that I’m after. And because you’re working nonstop, calories are incinerated at unprecedented levels!
You could use either a rep-based or time-based protocol. For a rep-based protocol, do 10 reps of alternating stepup jumps immediately followed by 10 reps of alternating stepups. That’s 1 round. Do as many rounds as you can in 5 to 10 minutes. 

For a time-based protocol, alternate between 20 seconds of alternating stepup jumps and 40 seconds of alternating stepups. That’s 1 round. Do 5 to 10 rounds.
Keep in mind that your lower body has a greater proportion of slow-twitch to fast-twitch muscle fibers than your upper body. That means your legs inherently have more endurance than your arms. That’s why I’ve created customized lower- and upper-body intensive options for you to choose from. The upper-body routines require a mix of more non-competitive combos to allow you to stay in motion.
WARNING: Once you take a HIIT of these routines, you’ll be hooked on the results!

Lower-Body Intensive Options

preview for MetaHIIT: Lower Body

Select any of the three options outlined below as a finisher to your next lower-body workout. Choose either a time-based protocol or a rep-based protocol based on your preference. Be sure to mix between them from session to session. 

And if you’re looking for a killer standalone workout, combine all three of them into the same session!

    •    Rep-based protocol: Do 10 reps of the high-intensity option immediately followed by 10 reps of the low-intensity option. That’s 1 round. Do as many rounds as you can in 5 to 10 minutes.
    •    Time-based protocol: Alternate between 20 seconds of the high-intensity exercise and 40 seconds of the low-intensity exercise. That’s 1 round. Do 5 to 10 rounds.
Option A: Stepups
High-intensity variation: alternating stepup jump
Low-intensity variation: alternating stepup
Option B: Box Squats
High-intensity variation: box squat jump
Low-intensity variation: box squat
Option C: Lunges
High-intensity variation: alternating split squat jump
Low-intensity variation: alternating forward lunge
MetaBoost: Looking for a whole body workout? Then mix between these lower body options and the upper body ones prescribed below!

Upper-Body Intensive Options

preview for MetaHIIT: Upper Body

Select any of the three options outlined below as a finisher to your next upper-body workout. Be sure to mix between them from session to session. And if you’re looking for a killer standalone workout, combine all three of them into the same session!

Rep-based protocol: Do 10 reps of the high-intensity option immediately followed by 10 reps of the low-intensity option. That’s 1 round. Do max rounds for time in 5 to 10 minutes.

Time-based protocol: Alternate between 20 seconds of the high-intensity exercise and 40 seconds of the low-intensity exercise. That’s 1 round. Do 5 to 10 rounds.
Option A: Burpee/bear crawl
High-intensity variation: burpee
Low-intensity variation: bear crawl
Option B: Pushup/rolling plank
High-intensity variation: pushup
Low-intensity variation: rolling plank
Option C: Mountain climber/breakdancer
High-intensity variation: mountain climber
Low-intensity variation: breakdancer
MetaBoost: You can mix and match any of the upper body options above while staying true to the high- and low-intensity categories. Take control of your workout, have fun, and make a change!

This is just a tiny taste of the most metabolic training program I’ve ever created! For the complete plan with eight full-length workouts, check out METASHRED EXTREME from Men’s Health.