Agile and Efficient Government is No Longer a Joke

Agile and Efficient Government is No Longer a Joke

Posted on October 27, 2015 0 Comments

Agility, Efficiency & Government. You remember the old Sesame Street game—one of these things is not like the other? Well, that was then, and this is now. 

While there is still plenty of room for improvement, I’m pleased to report that our government is rapidly becoming agile and efficient, thanks to the adoption of digital technologies and automated decision-making. These changes are happening partially due to necessity—there is simply no other way to keep up with the workload; and partially due to vision—yes, despite our political challenges, we have true talent and innovation in our government leadership. Whatever the reasons, the changes benefit everyone, especially citizens.

Not long ago, the process of applying for government benefits such as healthcare, cash, and food assistance was a lengthy and time-consuming process. Citizens needed to physically go into an office and fill out multiple applications, which took weeks to process. Now, in many states, you can fill out a single online application, and immediately discover the benefits you are eligible for.

Governments are able to deliver these great services by automating the decision-making functions. This includes decisions about what data must be collected and verified, and determining which benefits each citizen is eligible for—all based on complex and ever-changing legislation.

Using powerful Business Rules Management Systems (BRMS, also known as a business rules engine), our government is now able to automate these decision-making functions, and deliver new, self-service solutions. The BRMS is used to capture the legislation into executable, software components, which can be easily changed when new legislation demands it.

​Learn More in ​a Webinar

On Friday October 30, I’m pleased to share with you a recent success story at the State of Indiana Family and Social Services Administration. They will share their experiences implementing the Progress Corticon BRMS in two critical areas: Medicaid eligibility determination and Medicaid benefits administration. In addition, I will share best practices for enterprise-wide business rules management to achieve agility and efficiency across government services. Please join us! Register today.

Dr. Mark Allen

Dr. Mark Allen

Dr. Mark Allen is a Progress General Manager, dedicated to advancing business automation and passionate about applying technology to improve the world. In 2000, he founded Corticon, later acquired by Progress in 2011. Under his leadership, Corticon became a leading independent business rules platform with hundreds of customers in diverse industries such as financial services, government, healthcare and insurance. Prior to founding Corticon, Dr. Allen developed rules-based systems to help physicians make better patient care decisions. Dr. Allen has a B.S. in Applied Physics from Columbia University, and an M.D. from the University of California Los Angeles.


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