Snack on prunes and you're bound to elicit some chuckles from those around you. That's because everyone knows the deal with the dried fruit: They're famous for fighting constipation. But it looks like they can do even more for your health. A recent study from Texas A&M says prunes can boost your bone strength.

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When given to mice, a powder made from prunes was more effective than dihydrolipoic acid (an acid that has antioxidant properties), ibuprofen, and a mixture of five different antioxidants for preventing radiation-induced bone loss. And even the mice that weren't exposed to radiation showed stronger bones. The prunes were so potent, says Nancy Turner, the study's lead researcher, that the mice given the fruit showed an almost 20% increase in the structural integrity of their bones. Though she and the other researchers on her team aren't positive why prunes help, they believe it could be because of the fruit's mix of polyphenols that have high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. (Want to pick up some healthier habits? Sign up to get healthy eating tips and more delivered straight to your inbox!)

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While the researchers think these findings could be particularly helpful for astronauts, who are exposed to radiation in space, Turner says prunes could be a valuable addition to everyone's diet. You can buy a big bag on Amazon for about $12, and it'll last you weeks. 

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"A lot of people have this negative connotation of prunes," she says. "They don't realize that they're not only a tasty, delicious fruit, they also have a whole host of health benefits."

Turner can't say for sure yet what the optimal number of prunes for bone strength is, but she recommends sticking to a single serving size—four or five prunes—spaced throughout the day. And forget about prune juice. According to Turner, the varieties of plums used to make prunes aren't the same as those that are sold fresh in grocery stores.