There's no denying it: Ladies who CrossFit have got it going on. From the swagger and outstanding confidence it takes to crush a 300-pound deadlift to their OMG-worthy six-pack abs on display, there's nothing quiet like a woman on a quest to become the "Fittest on Earth".

But there's more to acing a great WOD (that's workout of the day, in CrossFit lingo) than great fitness. The smartest women in the game know that tip-top performance and sculpting muscle has a lot to do with eating healthy foods, too.

Looking to get your eating in check? Take a tip from the diets of some of these top female athletes:

1. Whole, Fresh Foods

"I fuel my body with non-processed, fresh food: a good quality source like an organic chicken breast, a variety of carbs in the form of fresh vegetables. I like a mixture of colors to brighten my plate so yellow peppers, bright red tomatoes, and green spinach. For a more starchy source, my go-to is a sweet potato or yam." —Sam Briggs, 2013 CrossFit Games Champion and five-time Games competitor

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2. Oatmeal ... With a Twist

"Be consistent. My training days are almost exactly the same as would be a competition day in terms of how I fuel pre-, intra-, and post-workout. I swear by oatmeal mixed with protein powder (my go-to is 3Fu3l) as my pre-workout snack." —Liz Adams, head coach at ICE NYC and four-time CrossFit Regionals Athlete 

You don't need a lot of equipment—or any at all—to get fit. Check out these 19 bodyweight exercises:

preview for 19 Bodyweight Exercises

3. Nutrients in Small Packages

"I don't like to feel heavy during my workouts, so I snack often on small things that pack loads of nutrients. Think nuts, Greek yogurt, or baby food pouches for a quick carbohydrate blast." —Alyssa Christian, competitive CrossFit athlete and coach at CrossFit Populance

(Sculpt lean muscle with Rodale’s Look Better Naked DVD!)

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4. Fruits are Your Friend

"One of the most common trends in athletes is that nerves and adrenaline take over. We spend so much time prepping for competition with reminders like 'Don't forget your foam roller or weight belt' but overlook foods. For me, I look to easily-digestible nutrition from protein powders and fruits, especially apples, berries, and mangoes." —Francesca Emanuele, competitive CrossFit athlete and coach at Brick New York 

5. A Balance of Protein, Carbs, and (Healthy!) Fats

"Competition (and life!) can be stressful, but your body has needs. Sometimes you have to ignore what your mind wants and force yourself to eat healthy meals full of protein, carbs, and healthy fats to get essential energy." —Tia Toomey, Second Place 2015, 2016 CrossFit Games and Australian weightlifter

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6. Put Down the Protein Bars

"There are so many ways to get your protein aside from protein bars. Plain grilled chicken or, if you're adventurous, my favorite and quickest way is liquid egg whites. When combined with raw oats, the oats absorb most of the egg whites and it becomes like a cold oatmeal." —Emma Ferreira, competitive CrossFit athlete and coach at Freedom Athletic Academy

7. Frequency Is Key

"We've got to eat more than our friends to stave off hangry episodes, since we train at a higher intensity, and most of us have more lean mass than the average woman. That means eating constantly! Eating well is critical to getting the most out of your daily training and sustaining you through competition." —Chelsey Hughes, CrossFit Regionals Athlete

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8. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

"My number-one rule is to drink lots of water. Think of your body as a car. If you plan on going on a road trip and you don't put gas in it, you probably won't make it very far! I make sure that the first thing I do in the morning, especially before a competition, is to drink at least 16 ounces. After hydration is taken care of, then I can focus on the rest of the macronutrients my body needs to successfully stay fueled for my workouts!" —Jaclyn Demiro, competitive CrossFit athlete and coach at Mission Fitness

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Emily Abbate

Emily Abbate is a freelance writer, certified fitness trainer, and host of the podcast Hurdle. You can find her work in GQ, Shape, Runner’s World, and other health and fitness publications.