There's no question that pushups and planks sculpt the chest, shoulders, and core. Most trainers would even consider these moves among their favorites. On the bright side, neither requires pressing weight overhead, which can be an issue for those with shoulder restrictions. But the downside is that pushups and planks, amplified by gravity, can seriously stress muscles and joints. And you don't have to be carrying extra pounds to feel pain in your wrists—people of all sizes report wrist pain from these exercises. (Try these 8 moves that sculpt gorgeous arms without killing your wrists.)

If you're looking for exercises that take the pressure off your wrists, or if you recently had a C-section and your core muscles can't support pushups or planks at this time, these three exercises make great substitutions. You'll need dumbbells and a resistance band (a kettlebell is optional). Do three sets of 12 repetitions each, three days per week.

Floor Press

Start on your back with knees bent and feet grounded. Hold a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand. (If using a kettlebell, hold by the handle and keep your wrist straight). Take your free arm out to the side, palm facing down, and bend your weighted arm to 90 degrees. Exhale and lift your weight straight up, finishing with the wrist directly in line with the elbow and shoulder. Inhale and lower to starting position. Perform 12 reps on this arm. To switch sides, drag the weight around your head instead of passing over your face. Perform 12 reps with the other arm.

Note: By doing this move one arm at a time, your core will get a better workout. (Torch fat, get fit, and look and feel great with Women's Health's All in 18 DVD!) 

Incline Chest Press

Set a bench to incline position, then sit down and recline your back. Plant your feet on the floor, and hold a medium-weight dumbbell in each hand with elbows bent to 90 degrees. Exhale and press the weights up until they touch over your chest, with elbows almost completely straight. Inhale and bend your elbows, returning to starting position. Perform 12 repetitions.

Note: With higher inclines, you will work shoulders more than chest. With lower inclines, you will work chest more than shoulders. (Un-hunch your shoulders with these 7 simple exercises.)

You don't need any equipment to do these 20 moves for tight & toned arms:

preview for 20 No-Equipment Moves For Tight & Toned Arms

Band Pec Flys

Loop a resistance band or tube through a low anchor point, like the bottom of a rod iron fence. Stagger your feet in split stance with most of your body weight on the front leg, and the back leg acting as a kickstand for balance. Hold an end of the band in each hand at hip height with arms slightly away from the body and elbows slightly bent. Exhale and pull the two hands to meet each other directly in front of your chest with elbows bent, like you're giving a great big bear hug. Inhale and return your arms to starting position. Perform 12 repetitions.

Related: 4 Resistance Band Moves For A Seriously Toned Butt

Note: If you only do pushing exercises like these (and no pulling), you can end up with shoulder imbalances. Try adding three of these pulling exercises to your routine; do three sets of 12, three days a week, on days that you are not performing the pushing exercises listed above.

The article 3 Ways To Tone Your Chest And Shoulders Without Doing A Single Push-Up Or Plank originally appeared on Prevention.

From: Prevention US