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As the weather warms up, the vacation cocktails return. The bourbon drinks that were so nice around the fire give way to springier alternatives based around light spirits like vodka and gin.

A new set of gourmet mixers from the American Juice Company—made with fresh juices and the same kind of ingredients found in the drinks at restaurants and cocktail bars—seem designed for just this impulse.

Christopher Wirth first decided that there might be a thriving market in high-end jungle juice (that fraternity party staple) when he was the social chair of his fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi at George Washington University. That original inspiration morphed into his current business making artisanal mixers, all produced using fresh produce. Eight different kinds of puréed fruits, along with spices and homemade syrup go into four concoctions with outlandish Ben-and Jerry-like names: James Guavafield, Chuck Blueberry, Herman Mangoville, and Louis Applestrong. Drinkers are encouraged to add any clear spirit of their choosing (or club soda, for fizzy virgin versions) to create summery libations comparable to any they might find at a mixology bar.

The line, in full production for three months, is targeted for the home bar, but one upscale New York restaurant has already taken notice. North End Grill, owned by Danny Meyer's Union Square Hospitality Group, is serving the Bilberry Bitter, a vodka and St. Germain cocktail made with the AJC's Chuck Blueberry mixer (which incorporates blueberry, apple, almond, and lime flavors).

$15 per 32 oz. bottle, available online.

Headshot of Sam Dangremond
Sam Dangremond
Contributing Digital Editor

Sam Dangremond is a Contributing Digital Editor at Town & Country, where he covers men's style, cocktails, travel, and the social scene.